Monday 17 December 2012

December now!

Hi there,
Oh how time flies it's December already. another few days before 2013, before the final examination and the big Comprehensive Examination. Pheww!

Anyway I am now at my husband's homewtown Besut. I personally love this photo my husband took during our evening walk at Pantai Air Tawar. Here me show you.

That was me, my baby sis-in-law, another sis-in-law, mummy-in-law and lastly bro-in-law at the back. Truly a great time this evening.

And oh i love this one too,

Well i actually brought back home here my assignment so that i can
make some progress but yeah those papers are still kept nicely in the bag hoho. So no progress at all. Never mind, this is balik kampung mode. Later i'll make sure to get in touch with those once i am home in kl.

Ok hope you have a great time too. Bye :)

Thursday 1 November 2012


Happy Birthday To Me! :)

Friday 5 October 2012

Friday & Wordless

it is a lovely friday at home but i have to leave for class in a bit later.

my 3rd week of class now and it is official that i am taking 3 courses for this fourth and hopefully final semester, insya Allah. one friday class and two saturday classes.

eh define wordless please! ok need to go now. have lunch date with my friend before class.

wishing u a happy weekend :)

Tuesday 14 August 2012

Surat Letak Jawatan


Semalam saya dah hantar satu permohonan pendaftaran untuk semester hadapan. Permohonan bersurat agar saya boleh teruskan dgn pendaftaran atas talian untuk kursus2 lain semester akan datang nanti. Saya dah buat perubahan. Nanti lah saya akan ceritakan kemudian apabila permohonan tersebut dah dapat kelulusan dan selesai.

Sehari sebelum tu iaitu Ahad, sibuklah saya mencari contoh surat di internet untuk dijadikan garis panduan menulis surat permohonan saya. Aduh tiada! Maka berbekalkan isi2 penting yg telah diberitahu oleh Penyelaras Program, saya karang sendiri surat saya. Untuk lebih kepastian, saya meminta dahulu Pembantu Tadbir meneliti surat saya sebelum dipanjangkan ke Timbalan Dekan & Dekan. Alhamdulillah setakat semalam, surat tu ok katanya, maknanya apa yg ingin & patut disampaikan ada di situ dan difahami. Cuma perlu tunggu untuk diproses.

Sambil2 mengarang surat tu, saya terkenang la balik saat2 saya mahu menulis surat letak jawatan di tempat kerja sebelum ni. Hehe perah otak juga memilih ayat yg sesuai, ingin menyampaikan maksud tapi pada masa yang sama, ingin menyatakan penghargaan atas peluang bekerja yang diberikan. Saya banyak google contoh surat tapi kebanyakannya dalam Bahasa Inggeris. Saya juga google tips utk tulis surat letak jawatan ni. Yup ada tips ok on what to write and not to. Yang pasti janganlah caci maki dlm surat tu kan haha. My case, saya betul2 rendah hati nak letak jawatan & appreciate sgt dapat peluang kerja dgn MARA. So, itu adalah antara apa yg nak disampaikan. No caci maki company of course hehe.

By the way, kenapanya, kalau ayat2 sopan & skema, ayat Bahasa Inggeris kedengarannya lebih mudah berbanding Bahasa Malaysia. Contohnya, 'Regret that..'; 'Would you like to have..' dan lain2. Haha mentaliti je kot. Atau mungkin sebab jarang digunakan dalam first language bila kita terbiasa dgn bahasa pasar. Kalau second language, tentu2 lah yg diajar adalah formal & mengikut grammar yg betul kan. Oh masuk bab language pulak. Bab language ni panjang ceritanya kan.

Berbalik pada asal, jadi saya ambil isi2 penting daripada contoh di internet dan sesuaikan dgn Bahasa Malaysia untuk mengarang surat letak jawatan saya. Setelah hampir 2 tahun simpan surat ni, saya rasa apa salahnya share di sini. Mana tahu ada siapa2 yg meng'google' macam saya dulu. Hehe. Semoga membantu. Boleh click on image to enlarge.

Ok tak surat tu? Yang penting apa yang ingin disampaikan dapatlah disampaikan. Tulis sesuatu yg simple, sopan, dan menyampaikan maksud. Kemudian, minta sesiapa yang berkenaan check dahulu surat tersebut. Itu saja.

Oklah, saya nak kena keluar ni. Baju raya tak beli lagi hehe. Esok mungkin dah nak balik kampung so hari ni kena lah cari sampai dapat.

Selamat Hari Raya semua. Semoga semua selamat dalam perjalanan balik kampung. Selamat selamat selamat dan happy bersama keluarga tersayang. Maaf zahir batin ya? Take care :)

Tuesday 7 August 2012

4th Semester

Alhamdulillah I have registered my fourth semester just now. However I need clarification on a few things hence a visit to faculty office is a must. I am planning to do that this Friday with uni mate who also started the first semester with me last year.

Well I guess I have to work harder and give double concentration on my project paper (or i normally refer to thesis before). I have a lot more to catch up and if only I manage to get back on track with the proposal, then my study life would be lovelier, I believe.

Sometimes I look back to the time during the earlier semesters when I really put an effort to get my every task done, the determination, the proper time management, and mostly the desire to sit in front of the books and papers and laptop all the time in a day while doing house chores in between. I managed to handle stress especially towards the end of semesters, I managed to overcome the problems I had, and mostly I managed to just make a move in every hardship I had to go through (Alhamdulillah dgn pertolongan Allah & sokongan org tersayang of course).

So, I am asking myself now. Why I could not be that same person I used to be when I try to work on this project paper? I admit that I could not give a hundred percent of commitment recently due to some reasons that I have already discussed with my supervisor but the thing now is, where has the desire gone? Where has the determination gone?

I have to find them back. I have to, I have to.

"When things seem difficult
and life uphill
Don't look too far ahead
Keep plodding on
inch by inch
The road will shorten till
the roughest patches 
will be pass and gone
And you will look back
Surprised and cheered to find
that you have left 
so many miles behind
And very soon
the tedious climb will stop
And you will stand
triumphant at the top"

I hope this post may as well help you in any small little way especially if you were in the same boat with me. Have a good day!

Wednesday 1 August 2012

Legakan Gatal

1 August today! Bersamaan 12 Ramadhan. Cepatnye masa berlalu kan? Dulu masa kecik rasa lambatnye nak buka puasa. Sekarang tgk2 jam, eh dah nak berbuka. Yelah, kata dah sedikit tua kan? Mestilah berbeza perasaannya dulu dan sekarang.

Sejak husband balik ni, (baru 2 hari je pun) saya join sama makan lauk2 kegatalan saya such as udang & sotong, juga budu! Sambil makan sambil beringat esp budu. Hehe. Dulu before kahwin memang saya pantang baikkkk punya segala seafood & budu sebab alahan resdung. Tapi sejak kahwin & masak utk suami (ehemmm) kadang2 tebabas jugak ngap bermulut2 udang/sotong. Pahtu tergaru2 la dan mata seperti berair.

Sebagai contoh, di atas ialah lauk berbuka semalam. Anda lihat sotong singgang itu? Mungkin anda boleh cuba kerana ianya sgt mudah & menyelerakan anak tekak terutama for those yg berasal dari Pantai Timur. Dah laaaaaama sgt tak buat singgang sotong ni. Actually ni salah satu favorite arwah abah satu ketika dulu (Al-fatihah buat arwah abah). Semalam tgh bersihkan sotong tetiba dapat ilham nak kelar2 mcm tu sebab nk masak sekoq-sekoq so nanti senang para pemakan nak makan. Bila dah masak dan tgk hasil kelaran, hmmm boleh tahan cantik jugak rupanya. Hehehe.

Maka bermula episod gatal selepas kekenyangan. Tapi kali ini saya tak risau sangat, sebaaaaaabbbbb saya boleh menggunakan Rojam di bawah utk melegakan gatal tersebut. Bahan utama Rojam ni ialah kulit kayu manis. Cara pakai sama macam pakai bedak sejuk. For my case, saya sapu di tempat tertentu saja yg saya rasakan obviously itulah kawasan gatal saya; iaitu hidung dan pipi. Mula2 pakai akan rasa pedih, sejuk, berangin tapi best. Gatal dan rojam boleh diibaratkan seperti buku bertemu ruas. Hehehe. Sangat melegakan. Bila dah kering, dah hilang rasa pedih sejuk tu, boleh la dicuci muka anda. Tak lama pun. Utk kesan yg lebih baik, saya sapu jgk bawah hidung so masa bernafas aroma Rojam ni menussuuk dalam lobang hidung dan lebih melegakan gatal. Nak pakai pagi boleh, malam pun boleh. RM10 je.

Pagi ni elok saya pakai Rojam dan semakin kering, tertengok pulak satu video kelakar kat youtube. Sukarnya utkku menahan gelak haha. Nak tau video apa? Tengok sini ok. Tahap kelakar bergantung kepada pendapat individu sbnarnya. Perah otak betul sapa yg buat ni. Yg pasti saya tak nak la sebar lawak camni kat FB. Hehe. Entahla, kelakar, tapi something wrong somewhere with the image.

Oklah, done sharing session. Oh ya, nak tau? dulu saya suuuuka kumpul mutiara kata masa zaman sekolah. Pernah masa Form 4 dulu suami saya (sekarang) mintak koleksi mutiara kata drpd saya utk buat projek penanda buku. Hehe kita selitkan sedikit kenangan di situ :) Tapi buku tu dah hilang sobsob. Tak mengapalah, boleh rujuk pada sumber lain. Mutiara kata ni ibarat santapan rohani jgk kan. So now I am sharing one with you;

 "Sabar adalah jalan keluar bagi orang yang tidak bisa menemukan jalan keluar."

Have a good day people!

Sunday 29 July 2012

doa buatmu

kadang2 saya suka capture our conversation yg kelakar & menarik hati esp bila kami berjauhan. kenangan manis.

ini chat msg ptg tdi.

'setiap suap yg isteri makan, ada pahala bagi suami.'

insya Allah.

Thursday 26 July 2012

Salam Ramadhan


Alhamdulillah hari ke-6 berpuasa dan suamiku masih di perantauan sejak hari pertama berpuasa. Semoga segala urusannya dipermudahkan ya Allah.

Btw, I am blogging from hubby's station now! Hehe last two weeks we both ubah layout di bilik kedua in order to make it more comfortable for us. Ini kira bilik main2 kerja2 lepak2 hehe.

The first picture is hubby's station. Dia suuuuukaa main game and edit gambar here. Tak lupa juga surf internet la.

This second picture is wifey's station. Tempat buat kerja sekolah, write up, study, surfing dan sewaktu dengannya.

Cuma bilik ni ada satu kerusi hehe so gilir2 la for now. Takda masalah pun lagi2 now saya tgh cuti sem. Hanya fokus pada tesis tu pun bleh buat masa suami pegi keje. Tapi we plan to buy kerusi lagi satu jugak for hubby's station. Barulah tak yah kacau next time kan. Nak kusi empuk katanya. Maklumlah best sikit nak bertapa main game bagai kan. Hehehe.

Sigh. I actually miss my husband now. So saya terpanggil utk cerita ttg bilik hijau ni di sini, antara tmpat best selepas bilik tidur hehe. Bila dah tukar layout macam ni, kadang2 saya pun lepak sama in this room tak lain tak bukan melepak di katil sebelah tu la. Now he is away from home, pegi mana2 tempat dlm umah ni terbayang wajah dia je. Lagi2 bilik tgh ni sbb we both baru susun atur sama2.

So I am writing this post, secara langsung dari bilik hijau ni yg penuh kenangan ni hehe.

Semoga suamiku selamat menjalankan tugas dan selamat pulang.

Ok, saya pun ada kerja penulisan tesis yg perlu disiapkan. Plan nk terperap lama2 sikit kat bilik hijau ni malam ni.

I pray that you have a great time with your loved ones too, now and forever.

Ok bye :)

"Ya Allah, moga nikmat kasih sayang-Mu ini berkekalan hingga hujung nyawa, jua memberi manfaat sbg bekalan di akhirat sana."

Friday 13 July 2012

Simple Menu I Love

My aunty introduced this to me when I was still at primary/secondary school i cannot exactly recall. It has become one of my fav since then.

Aunty's version is more complicated that she adds this and that. Mine is simpler. As I cook this on my own, I discover a few things:

1. It is much better to use butter instead of cooking oil.
2. Adding some cooking oil to boil the pasta is a myth.
3. It tastes better when you add in anything cheezy to your pasta sauce. In my case tonight, i just put some slices of cheezy sausage.

Saturday 7 July 2012


Sometimes i just love the attitude that i don't actually have to think much of others. Sometimes i just want to take care of myself and only without having to be concern about others. I don't want to think much of what they might be thinking about me. I just want to do what is right for me, just for me.

I have a husband who means the world to me. That is more than enough.

But that is not totally right, I realize.

'hablumminAllah wa hablumminannas'.

Relationship is important and should be taken care of.

Seriously I am tired. Perhaps I still have to be concern about others' feeling but with little priority.

The good thing is no matter how tired I am, the little voice inside of me keep saying the same thing now, 'jgn pentingkan perasaan sendiri, jgn pentingkan perasaan sendiri.'

Sigh, I will but the main concern now is myself and the limit.

Sunday 17 June 2012

Goodbye semester 3

Alhamdulillah yesterday was the last presentation for this semester. I am glad the committee have chosen pullman putrajaya as the venue hence, it was an added-value to the memorable wonderful last day of 3rd semester.

being there at pullman really reminded me of the time spent with the loved one, exactly at the end of previous semester, second semester. we were there too!

and this was where we spent during the night, i mean before going to bed ;)

so, goodbye 3rd semester. i am now on my semester holiday until september.

i am still nervous for the full result though hehe. tawakkal insya Allah.

oh btw, i captured this, combination of colors that always win my attention: red & brown.

i wrote in my previous post how i accidently combined this colors at our previous setapak indah home and Alhamdulillah it turned out good and since then, i always love red+brown.

ok. i am going to get back to the kerja kemas rumah and maybe i should start with this,

hehe oh can't wait to see my husband!

Wednesday 30 May 2012

it is wednesday

LINE App, an interactive way to chat: highly recommended!

Saturday 26 May 2012

kisah artis

hmm, i m not sure to post about this or not. but ya i have started and i am writing now so i will just continue. sharing something small that i have learned today.

remember i told you that i have started to like instagram? yes i am i even still like. i snap & instagram my picture, i follow many other accounts and i let some people to follow me too.

ok. i followed Sazzy Falak. i started to like her story since she gave birth to her twin and i personally believe that she has her own certain good character, good personality & talented too. to make it simple, i follow her because i like to view her.

until today that she posted a picture of someone dressing quite improper and that was not her.
later a follower left a comment saying a little prayer for her to change for better.

unfortunately the other followers later misinterpreted the message and bashed him for what he had said.
i was disturbed. somebody said a little prayer & advise on something obviously good for you and you refuse to accept? refuse to change?

yes i was truly disturbed and i left a comment as well haha. yes, me! oh aku terjebak tapi menyampaikan sesuatu yg baik apa salahnya kan? i was saying something positive trust me i am not a hater of sazzy kalu x buat ape i follow please!


2 3 jam kemudian Sazzy Falak dah BLOCK saya oh my Englishhh! i hurt her? 

 ni pun i trace balik from twitter :) obviously that she refused the actually-good-response for her. but ya another thing is i  might have hurt her. sbb i compare dia ngn Dr Halina! hehehe and to think twice, this is what i found:

cuma yela. tak selesa bila sesama muslim meng-bash seorg muslim yg berdoa utk kebaikan org lain.

another character of Muslim artist i learned.

hah finally ada jgk org yg tafsir dgn betul. good haneenazya!

ok bye.

*sejak ada instagram dan twitter ni ringan pulak tgn i nk me-response selebriti ni haha. maybe because of the way they post -informal. kusedar, dua dunia kita berbeza. kecuali Dr Halina! :)

Wednesday 23 May 2012

kahwinkan purple

dgn turquoise. cantik jugakkan macam kat atas ni. tapi cadar plain macam ni xpraktikal lah for me nk guna hari2. mentenan tinggi nih. kalu pakai nih confirm pagi2 nmpak rambut bertebaran pada cadar dan bantal hehe. 

ni ok jgk. mcm songket hari raya. tapi saya suka. ceria jgk ni kaaaan :)

yg ni cantiklah amat. luxury katanya. tapi utk pengantin lama dgn kadar penggunaan harian juga tak praktikal kan. saya simple je. for display majlis raja sehari sesape ok la kan.

yg ni? biasa je kot. sekadar menepati pilihan warna.

haha entry ni sebenarnya rentetan daripada peristiwa survey cadar kat mall tadi. i want purple yg murah2 tapi mahalnye lah comforter yg cantik2 sekalian.

tapi comforter yg cantik adalah best kan. terapi kata org dan saya pun setuju ngn kata itu. mesti ada punya yg menepati kehendak pada harga yg mampu milik. mari kita survey lagi!

Tuesday 22 May 2012

saya suka

masak kicap
masak sambal
terung masak sambal
oreo mcflurry
teh 3 layer
home deco

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad


bought this handbag last year kalu tak silap setelah 2 3 kali pusing cari mana yg berkenan. this handbag was actually a gift from my husband for my good result during first semester dlu tapi i yg pilih sendiri. i looove the colour.

namun, saya adalah tidak selalu menggunakan beg ini kerana akhirnya merasakan design beg adalah belum sesuai dgn diri saya. terasa beg ini adalah bukan diriku. diriku hanyalah simple. pada kebanyakan masa beg ini yg dibeli pd harga RM500 hanya tersimpan rapi dlm bilik. saya menyatakan harga semata2 utk menggambarkan kdg2 terdetik dihati saya 'beli beg mahal tapi tak pakai?'. husband pernah perli ajak saya pergi shopping mall nk jual balik handbag ni :) he was kidding i know :)

tapi taknakla. sayang sgt handbag ni actually. saya tau sy akan guna handbag ni regularly nnti. dan utk itu, hari ni saya keluarkan dr simpanan dan akan guna hari ni.

kasut pun sama. suka beli tpi jrg pakai. my husband yg tlg kemaskan dlm kete pulak tu. so bile sebut pasal kasut cantik kat kedai je he will remind me of thoooossee kasut2 yg dh ada. tapi stended la kan. husband uols pun msti camtu kan responsenya? hikhikhik.

so agak2 kalau nk mintak satu handbag idaman nanti, my husband approve tak ek? huhuhu. *beg tu nnti saya akan selalu pkai punyaaa. lets pray ;)

Thursday 17 May 2012

Husband's Birthday

so far he never forget to prepare something special for my birthday. i know he does not ask for anything in return. he never.

so this year i am thinking of something for him too.

and for now, i just have to wait for him to come home safe. insya Allah.

Monday 7 May 2012

Cameron Moon

A short visit to Cameron Highlands -May 12. I am too lazy to write that I have dedicated all my ideas and thoughts for my assignments so enjoy the pics.

i soo enjoyed taking photos. that explains why i wasn't in most of the pics.

btw, cameron guide is available on the net and the map could be easily understood.

so, experience yourself lah ;)

we both were actually busy but luckily we still managed to spend time here. we actually chose to. rehat minda. see, he kept receiving calls and he sent emails too while we were there. i once asked him to off his phone but ya, i better understand his situation and be more thankful for the time spent there.

eh dah panjang pulak. k bye.

Sunday 29 April 2012


and i think i ve started to like instagram :)

Tuesday 24 April 2012

the new touch on 2

inspired by the new iPad (3) hehe.

*dont ask me how, it was all done by him.

Thursday 19 April 2012

stress no stress yes

that was me with both of my nieces during their visit to our cutie home sweet home last two weeks. we really had a great time playing and laughing together.

a week later, friday night on 13 April, Alhamdulillah a small gathering was held at our home for solat hajat and yasin. it only took a week preparation for me to get the event done of course with lots of help from my auntie who did almost all the cooking. i had my mom and family in law here during that event, aunties and uncles, cousins and a few friends who live nearby. that was my first time holding such a gathering at our home and yeah that was a great experience. when family involved, at certain point you will have to tolerate any of their ideas and opinions, trying to choose the best not only for you but as well for others, and at the same time to make sure that everyone is happy and comfortable with the decision made. that was the toughest; making decision. tak lupa juga, KERJASAMA sangatlah penting. Alhamdulillah, everything just fell nicely.

and now, i am stuck in the middle of of of of of maaaaaaannyyy tasks that i have left for weeks just to settle all the family and home matters. and i am now toooo lazy to deal with any of them. seriously being lazy when you have piles of work waiting is not enjoyable at all. duhh i fight so hard to even look at them, to read a single line, to write a single sentence, yes i fight for that. i am lazy because i am demotivated because i am way behind schedule and i have no choice but to proceed with all the task.

walaupun sekadar merangkak.

Thursday 5 April 2012

day 4

day 4 already but kemas rumah is still in progress. dapur is the most critical. dlm kotak tu semua brg2 dapur. badan dh mula rasa tak bermaya & tak bertenaga. terpaksa tinggalkan seketika tugasan upm yg juga sgt banyak. husband pulak outstation.

kuatkanlah semangatku ya Allah.

Monday 2 April 2012

2 April 2012

a lovely morning at tmn melati home! ada kicauan burung lg haha best jgk. Alhamdulillah.

yesterday went well, walaupun lori delay 2 jam. thankfully dorg provide pekerja angkut brg sekali dlm 4 5 org, sedikit lega di situ.

anyway byk lg brg tak kemas ni. dapur pun tak kemas lg. nk tgk? ;)

ni my husband klik mlm tadi. buat sikit2 lah kan. apepun mari nikmati pagi isnin dulu.

have a good day everyone :)