Sunday 29 July 2012

doa buatmu

kadang2 saya suka capture our conversation yg kelakar & menarik hati esp bila kami berjauhan. kenangan manis.

ini chat msg ptg tdi.

'setiap suap yg isteri makan, ada pahala bagi suami.'

insya Allah.

Thursday 26 July 2012

Salam Ramadhan


Alhamdulillah hari ke-6 berpuasa dan suamiku masih di perantauan sejak hari pertama berpuasa. Semoga segala urusannya dipermudahkan ya Allah.

Btw, I am blogging from hubby's station now! Hehe last two weeks we both ubah layout di bilik kedua in order to make it more comfortable for us. Ini kira bilik main2 kerja2 lepak2 hehe.

The first picture is hubby's station. Dia suuuuukaa main game and edit gambar here. Tak lupa juga surf internet la.

This second picture is wifey's station. Tempat buat kerja sekolah, write up, study, surfing dan sewaktu dengannya.

Cuma bilik ni ada satu kerusi hehe so gilir2 la for now. Takda masalah pun lagi2 now saya tgh cuti sem. Hanya fokus pada tesis tu pun bleh buat masa suami pegi keje. Tapi we plan to buy kerusi lagi satu jugak for hubby's station. Barulah tak yah kacau next time kan. Nak kusi empuk katanya. Maklumlah best sikit nak bertapa main game bagai kan. Hehehe.

Sigh. I actually miss my husband now. So saya terpanggil utk cerita ttg bilik hijau ni di sini, antara tmpat best selepas bilik tidur hehe. Bila dah tukar layout macam ni, kadang2 saya pun lepak sama in this room tak lain tak bukan melepak di katil sebelah tu la. Now he is away from home, pegi mana2 tempat dlm umah ni terbayang wajah dia je. Lagi2 bilik tgh ni sbb we both baru susun atur sama2.

So I am writing this post, secara langsung dari bilik hijau ni yg penuh kenangan ni hehe.

Semoga suamiku selamat menjalankan tugas dan selamat pulang.

Ok, saya pun ada kerja penulisan tesis yg perlu disiapkan. Plan nk terperap lama2 sikit kat bilik hijau ni malam ni.

I pray that you have a great time with your loved ones too, now and forever.

Ok bye :)

"Ya Allah, moga nikmat kasih sayang-Mu ini berkekalan hingga hujung nyawa, jua memberi manfaat sbg bekalan di akhirat sana."

Friday 13 July 2012

Simple Menu I Love

My aunty introduced this to me when I was still at primary/secondary school i cannot exactly recall. It has become one of my fav since then.

Aunty's version is more complicated that she adds this and that. Mine is simpler. As I cook this on my own, I discover a few things:

1. It is much better to use butter instead of cooking oil.
2. Adding some cooking oil to boil the pasta is a myth.
3. It tastes better when you add in anything cheezy to your pasta sauce. In my case tonight, i just put some slices of cheezy sausage.

Saturday 7 July 2012


Sometimes i just love the attitude that i don't actually have to think much of others. Sometimes i just want to take care of myself and only without having to be concern about others. I don't want to think much of what they might be thinking about me. I just want to do what is right for me, just for me.

I have a husband who means the world to me. That is more than enough.

But that is not totally right, I realize.

'hablumminAllah wa hablumminannas'.

Relationship is important and should be taken care of.

Seriously I am tired. Perhaps I still have to be concern about others' feeling but with little priority.

The good thing is no matter how tired I am, the little voice inside of me keep saying the same thing now, 'jgn pentingkan perasaan sendiri, jgn pentingkan perasaan sendiri.'

Sigh, I will but the main concern now is myself and the limit.